Planning Stage
After these years of motivation, hardship, and step-by-step success we are ready to present Derien as a reputed brand
New Materials
An impressive range of home décor items, small furniture, and kitchenware is available from Derien
Flexible Output
that can serve its retail as well as wholesale customers with the promise of great quality and services
Global Market
From traditional to modern homes, the Derien team of product designers and buyers draws inspiration from global trends to bring stylish and affordable furniture and homeware
Nature Friendly
Our skillful product designers will evolve designs according to the customer's demand
Pro Support
We work to an extremely high standard of customer satisfaction
Manufacturing Plant
Custom Design
year old

Quality manufacturing
we never compromise with quality it’s our root philosophy to make fabulous quality product
our QA team assure before packaging of even a smallest product it should pass all standards we built for the ideal product.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignis simos ducimus qui blanditiis praesnti um voluptatum deleniti atque corryi upti quos dolores et quas moles qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci velit, sed quia lore adipiscing sed do eiusmod tempor elit.
– 2019 Archie Expo
– Goldman Gallery
– Vista Tomorrow ‘09
– 2017 Modern Daily
– 10th Annual Regarda
– Hamilton Showcase
– Imminent Plaza
– 2nd place, Tokyo
– 1st jury prize, NYCA
– 2018 Riviera Aw.
– NYC’s Most Wanted
– Fresh Faces, Ammi
some testimonies of famous brands about Derien for
professionalism & quality

Quo ne inani ancilm lae deterruiss et app etere fabellas usu ei.
By Kien Forrest
Cu amet illud sapien tem duo, sit ut sumo partem muei virtute.
By Cloe Fountain
Pri cu eros moderat ius walidvel clitaomi tant, urdoming anci.
By Kurtis Juarez
Sea natum domingc onclusionemque tiex voluptatum dissenti.
By Isabella Chandler
Pri cu eros moderat ius walidvel clitaomi tant, urdoming anci.
By Shelly Avalos
Sed ut perspicia tisu ndey natus error sitl vol upta tdolori ela.
By Fabio Hough